To whom it may concern,
Hil hates you.
And I say that from the bottom of my heart. It is, after all, the new year and was recently my birthday, and I have made it a birthday promise of mine to to be sincere and honest about everything I say. So to all the selfish, greedy people that do nothing but hide like snakes behind bumper sticker politics, I would like to say to you as sincerely and honestly as possible, that I hate you. With a passion and ferocity that that is hard to hold back or chain up. This is for everyone who can't look at the big picture without first pondering how they can benefit from any situation. Everyone who opposes change for the greater good, so as to protect their little chocolate covered personal pursuit of paradise. Every one of the borderline closet racists who preach your politics loudly every day, yet really have no clue why you believe in what you do, other than the fact that your favorite news anchor told you to believe something. I am the angry neighbor dog just waiting for a chance to bite your ass.
I have to chuckle to myself while I write this. I know that there are going to be a lot of people behind me up to this point. A lot of freedom fighters that think we play for the same team. And I really wish I could be in the room to witness, or at least see all the faces, of all the people that figure out halfway into this piece that's it's written about them.
I first point at you. Yeah. The guy who makes broad, general, negative statements about their feelings about the country, but can't explain why with his own thoughts. You believe facts that are based purely on your own blind ignorance. I hate you because of the conversation we had the other day.
"Obama doesn't care about the state of our country at all. He doesn't want to get us out of debt," was the first thing I heard.
"How's that?"
I was then sent a picture. Not an article, news report, or YouTube clip. Just a picture with some words on it, which apparently is the best way to exchange news headlines on the Internet today. It was simply a picture of the Obama family, smiling and being happy, with a caption that read, 'Obama is taking a vacation to Hawaii that is going to cost 4.1 million dollars. Click the like button if you think Obama should worry about the country instead of spending money on himself.'
All the proof you need? |
First off, if you think that you're going to change anything by clicking a 'Like' button, then you need to go back to grade school and learn about common sense. Besides that, the first thing I thought to myself was "Wow. That is kind of messed up that Obama is going on a 4.1 million dollar vacation in this economic state." The vacation didn't bother me, it was just the cost. But after being hypnotized by the headline on the picture, which is exactly what it's designed to do, I happened to read where it came from. A Facebook page. I don't think my high school English teacher would have let me cite a Facebook page as a resource of credible information. Especially a Facebook page called "America's National White History Month". You have got to be kidding me. Hasn't it been white history month in America every month for the last 400 years, you fucking bigot?
I didn't have much time, but I told you my initial thoughts about the cost and said, "But it's kind of weird that you're getting this stuff from a Facebook page called 'America's National White History Month', don't you think?"
"Yeah," You replied, "that's why I was a little weary of sharing. I didn't think people would understand."
Listen to yourself. No shit they won't understand and you know exactly why. I didn't say that, but I should have.
"But can you believe it? That President of yours loves to think he's a movie star. You Dem's really know how to pick 'em," You said in a pompous way that tried to hide the fact you didn't know what you were talking about.
"Did you read where exactly he was going? Is it just for family?" I asked.
"Did you read about if he's going to go for any presidential business?"
"No, but I can't believe this guy. How does he get off talking about change and everyone doing their fair part to help, and then he goes and spends all this money on himself. He is the problem." You said reassuringly. Somehow, you had a big opinion on the matter already.
"Wait a minute. wait. wait. wait," I said confused, "did you read anything about it?"
"No, but…….blah……..blah…..blah."
I should have stopped you right there and told you how full of shit you were. I didn't. I told you I'd have to read into it a bit more and that I really couldn't give a fair opinion about anything based on a political Meme. At this point however, the vacation and the money it was going to cost were no longer the proper topics of conversation. If you don't have the ability to see past the newest, viral Internet gimmick, then you are forfeiting your ability to make an informed decision about choices that actually matter. This is what our system is based around. A process, centered around debate and vote, fails on all levels if the people are uninformed and uneducated on the issues at hand. Nothing pisses me off more than making a point of mine during a debate, adding facts that I have read with personal opinion, only to have my opponent return my serve with Internet fodder and stupid pictures. The only thing you are doing by trusting facts from a meme or slogan is helping "Them". And in the continual conflict of "Us" versus "Them", ignorance and blind belief is this country's kryptonite. Tell me why you hide behind the words of a bumper sticker, and I would like to hear your own thought process and ideas instead of some regurgitated nonsense you heard last night on prime time.
But it doesn't end with there.
I continue on with my day and run into you. And you don't really care what I do, or what changes I want to make, as long as I don't try and take your guns. I only use you as an example, obviously, because today you are in my face everywhere I go. You think "gun control" is a curse word. You told me that you agree with me that there needs to be a change. There needs to be something that we can do to stop this violence; As long as I don't strip your freedom to carry an an AR-15 with extended clip and laser sight. I mean, you said it yourself: You are protecting my first amendment rights with your second amendment. Spoons don't make people fat. Cars kill more people than guns. If the zombie apocalypse happens, you'll be the first person I'll come running to.
Fuck you.
If you aren't a part of the solution, you are a part of the problem. Period. You CANNOT ignore the obvious problem that having such a PRO-gun society has led us to. Why do we need guns that will literally blow up a deer? You could hunt a deer with a crossbow (and personally, I think that sound like more fun). Protection? Oh, I see. You think that you should be able to use anything that the "bad guys" have. That makes a lot of sense. In fact, we should all start thinking like the bad guys. We all need to get into a "bad guy" mentality. That would sure make the world a better place. Safer, too.
God, Sarcasm is so hard to convey in writing...
Republicans for gun control? Crazy. |
"It's our constitutional right. The 2nd amendment was put in place so that the people could protect themselves from a tyrannical government. To protect themselves when Presidents like Obama try to take the guns away. That's what our forefathers wanted."
Guess what? No they didn't. Thomas Jefferson did not intend on the second amendment to be used against himself. He did not give people the right to own guns so that they could remove him from office forcefully if they thought he was being a "tyrant". At that time, there were many countries that had the possibility of moving in and attacking an already hurt America. And it was every one's fear that England and her Redcoats would return at anytime to reclaim what she believed was rightfully hers. The people were expected to be armed so that they could help fight against an outside force coming in.
Also, there was no such thing as the United States Armed Forces. THERE WAS NO STANDING ARMY. If you had a gun that you owned back then, you were obligated to help protect the land as a whole. Not just your family. So if you want to own an AK-47, AR-15, or an Uzi because it's "your right", I suggest you at least go sign up for the National Guard first. Pussy.
The thing is, we all have rights. And we all believe that something is important to us, but we forget that our beliefs are not necessarily the same as others. And that is OK. I do not hate you simply for thinking different than me, but if we both don't agree on a solution to a problem, compromise is needed. It must happen. If we don't compromise, we will die off. If we stop caring about other people, we will go the way of the Dodo Bird. Extinct, with only the memory of our race left behind for whoever, or whatever, comes after us to make fun of. I'm not willing to let that happen. I believe we can change things. I want to fight with you, not against you. I care. And if you do to; If you really believe something needs to be done, or that change needs to happen, then do it and be the change. Help me. Talk with me, not to me. Work with me together.
And stop being so selfish.