
Quoting Love

To whom it may concern,

Hil hates you.

This one is a little bit random, but i'm talking to you. Yes, you. The one that thinks they know everything about love. Suddenly, the love sage has taken over the internet like a plague. As if emotion can be summed up within 140 characters, or that a few clever words stolen from someone else will suddenly make sense when placed on top of a romantic picture. Love memes. How fucking inspiring. And I'm sorry, but I have to call out mostly women for this. Or should I say girls? Although, there are also a lot of naive little boys thinking that if they quote Shakespeare enough that the heartache they feel will suddenly make sense. It won't.

"Come what sorrow can, it cannot countervail the exchange of joy, that one short minute gives me in her sight."

Has now become:

"If you can't take me at my worst, then you don't deserve me at my best."

Very clever, little girl. Look, if I can't handle you at your worst, it doesn't mean I don't deserve you at your best. It means you're bat shit crazy. Believe me. I can handle a lot.

And really, the advent of the internet is really what has helped make this problem more apparent. There has always been people using quotes from other writers. Little journals filled with doodles and words of wisdom to themselves. With the key word being "themselves". Unfortunately now, I'm forced to read people quoting their favorite line from the latest episode of Dr. Phil, thinking they possess as much wisdom as Buddha, Mother Teresa, or the Dali Lama. These cyber philosophers are in my face. All the time. If the internet was school, Social Media would be riding the short bus to class.

It's a shame that your actions don't mirror your Facebook page's introspective genius. Four hours after you're done posting on Facebook about realizing that you know everything about love and relationships, I'm guessing that I'm going to see you at your favorite real life social hangout spot, pressing your slightly exposed ass against the first random guy with a smile. All the while, sharing more of the wisdom you've learned on the Internet:


Fuck you.

I'm kind of embarrassed that this blog was inspired by what I see on social media websites. A blog complaining about memes. There's comedy somewhere in that. But that's not what it's about. What really bugs me are these people looking for motivation from others without trying to think through their problems themselves. First off, whoever you are, if you are constantly flooding the internet with annoying pictures of the cutest couple ever, laid underneath of cliche quotes written by a Hallmark card author, then you're giving everyone who sees it a tiny peek at just how crazy you are. Why are you not using your lost love as a process to see clearly, understand the things that you can learn from and want to forget, and remember the things that made you happy. A witty quote may be relatable and make you realize others have been where you are now, but if you don't think deeply about any situation that is bothering you then you will never be able change. And when you're unhappy, usually the best remedy is a deep, truthful dose of change.

You haven't felt anything that hasn't touched me. And you don't impress me by your ability to share virtual tragedy in the form of comedy with me. Show me something real. If i'm going to be bombarded by this self loathing digital bullshit constantly, at least make it something that you created yourself. I want to see the real. I want to hear about how you think that you told her "I love you" too soon. Tell me honestly if you think that you should have moved to California with him. I want to read the words of someone coming to the realization that they are attracted to someone that hurts them. And I don't want to hear you laugh about it afterwards.

So I put the test to you. Stop telling me what's wrong with your life. Especially if you're going to do it through the words of someone else. Think about your problems. Really think about them. Then think of one thing that you truly want to change about yourself, or the way you live, and actually do it. Seriously try. Do things that you normally wouldn't. Say Yes. Or if you find yourself doing that too much, it might be a good idea to start saying no. Get off the short bus. I'm giving you the ability to change. Take two doses and call me in the morning.
